Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Out in the field

It's good to be home again.

In the daily hush of life, from waking up in the morning to taking our meal, up to being on call for work, I realized that somehow we are a lot like soldiers who are out in the field to face our own battles. It's a call for duty, we may say. But the duty is not only to keep us awake and earn a living inorder to survive. Because if we only see life as such, then I see us as nothing but just like ants whose existence is just all about survival. We all need more than the meals we set on our table. We need the time to be with our family, loved ones and friends. In other words, we need each other to complete each other as human.

Well, why am I saying this? For some times I was out from the blogosphere to attend things I must. I don't mean survival alone but the moments to keep things in balance. Just as there is a time to speak while its important that we keep the time too to listen. Being out from blogging was like being out to face my battle. Now being back into blogging is simply giving me the joy to be back home again. I miss this... but most of all.. I miss everyone! :-)


Keith said...

Lady Nyl, my puter is broken. Attending to the real world a must. I have no time really to see the blogosphere...

Keith said...

(But, life is beautiful as always. :) )

Nyl said...

hey keith!that's why i haven't heard from you to for quite awhile. hope your pc is ok now. just keep going!