Thursday, September 3, 2009

career path

Talking about career plan in this very competitive generation where all seems to be on-the-go, sometimes I wonder if we have considered the possibilities of whether we choose the right career path for us. Some have become practical in their choices like wanting to work abroad after finishing college or getting enough experience. While others are simply content working in their own native land and salaries do not matter much but the working relationship does. I honestly would prefer the latter one. But sometimes when we no longer have the option with what to choose, we just have to grab what's been laid on our hands.

Just this afternoon I got to talk to a college friend. She was telling me that they are in need of advocacy support staff in their office. She told me about the compensation. Salaries in this present time really do matter whether it's a high-paying job or just a minimum paid job. We were also talking about the job she's into. For ten years now she works as an accountant in that company but then still she doesn't seem very satisfied with the salary she gets. We all have preferences, it's just making a wiser decision I guess.


Keith said...

My friend, I sit in the dark about my entire path. I am quiet. This is Saturday when my friend took me to a special Mass. He brought me to the altar for the "anointing of the sick".

The priest prayed over us all, and placed fragrant oil on my palms and forehead.

Nyl, I thank you for visiting my blog. Maybe one day I will start writing regularly again. God bless you.

Nigos said...

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