For quite awhile i was away from my blogging activity to give importance to some other aspects in my life. I woke up this morning feeling a little bit inspired to start my day with my ordinary household chores routine before I intend to suck myself in front of my pc monitor. My internet connection is ok and so I thought of writing a bit of my thoughts down to my personal journal I opt to call as "cliffnotes". As I was about to dash of a few lines, I found myself irked up unable to hit the keyboard. My mind couldn't think of a good entry. And so I switched to other stuff aside from blogging like surfing for what's new online be it entertainment, politics and environmental issues. Until I got tired and threw myself comfortably in bed. I got to sleep for like an hour but waking up had been uneasy. I realize that my eyes start to hurt. I need my glasses that I used to wear about five years back. Ouch! I think I need a new one. This is just a reading glass. I don't think it'll help my eyes this time. I think the pain is getting worst. Sigh!;0(
I wish I could find cure for my astigmatism soon. I will miss my blogging and writing habit for sure. I simply don't wanna be away for this reason.